Codes and Softwares

1. Codes for calculating the strains due to Burgers vector on an Angular Dislocation Element

  • Download.
  • Appendix S1. Six slip models (Model A-F) and their format specifications.
  • Appendix S2. The strain expressions associated with the angular dislocation in an elastic half-space.
  • Appendix S3. The codes for calculating the strains due to Burgers vector on an Angular Dislocation Element written in an M-file and C# language respectively.
  • Appendix S4. Data for comparison between the Meade’s code and our Matlab code
  • More information on the codes can refer to Jiang et al. (2013).

2. PyLaGriT: Stratigraphic Hex Mesh Tutorial

3. Seismic Hazard Assessing System for Active Faults (SHASAF) (32-bit)

  • Registration of software copyright in China: 2010SR056240
  • Patent of Invention in China: ZL 2016 1 0975859.3
  • Xu C., G. Jiang, J. Wang, Y. Wen (2012), A Seismic Hazard Evaluating System for Active Faults Based on GNSS/InSAR/GIS, Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 41(5), 661-669.

4. Tectonic Geodesy Mapping Software (64-bit)

  • Registration of software copyright in China: 2019SR1356654
  • Fang Z., G. Jiang, C. Xu, S. Wang (2020), A tectonic geodesy mapping software based on QGIS, Geodesy and Geodynamics, 11(1), 31-39.

5. Tectonic Geodesy Applications (TGA) (64-bit)

More information refers to the home page of TGA.